Nomenclature of Enzymes

Write nomenclature of Enzymes. 

Nomenclature: the substance on which the enzyme acts is called the substrate of that enzyme. And enzymes, according to trivial nomenclature systems are named after the substrate by adding ‘ase’ to the root of the name of the substrate e.g sucrase for sucrose, for lactose and urease for urea. Certain enzymes such as protein hydrolyzing enzymes and their trivial names are retained as such. 

However according to general analogy, these are called “proteases”
The naming of individual enzyme through trivial system after putting Ase at the substrate as mentioned above do not accurately describe the nature of reaction to be catalyzed by the enzyme because some of the enzymes catalyze differently using some substrate. Therefore a systematic nomenclature has been adopted which also denotes the nature of enzyme catalyzed reaction . According to this system, the name of the enzyme is established after using suffix Ase to the name of reaction catalyzed by the enzyme instead of its substrate e.g Dehydrogenases, that catalyzed dehydrogenation of their substrates. 
Hydrolysis of Enzymes : 
Hydroxylases: Enzymes that catalyze the introduction of hydroxyl group into their substrate.
e.g CO2 + HOH ______ H2CO2
 Properties of Enzymes :
1 Enzyme are specific in their action.
2 All enzymes are protein in nature expect few enzymes.they are produced by living cells but act in Vivo as well as in vitro.
3 Those reaction which which are done by the enzyme must be reversible reaction.
4 If few different enzymes catalyze the same reaction they are called iso enzymes. They are chemically and physically different from each other.
5 Activity of enzyme is lost by the long time Keeping in water, by high temperature,by keeping in alcohol, in heavy metal solution, in concentrated inorganic solution.
Oxygenation of Enzymes:
Oxygenation of Enzymes:
Oxygenases: Enzymes that catalyze the incorporation of oxygen molecule into their Substrate.
Transferases: Enzymes that catalyze the transfer of a particular group between two substrates.
Classification: According to the recommendation by the commission on enzymes of the international Union of biochemistry, a classification of the enzyme is established on the basis of type of reaction catalyzed by the enzymes.
Enzymes are divided in six major groups or classes, as given below: 
1 Oxido-Reductase: these enzymes catalyze the oxidation and reduction reaction.
2 Transferase: These enzymes catalyze the reaction of group transfer from one substrate to another.
3 Hydrolases: these enzymes catalyze the hydrolytic reaction. 

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